A Yarmouk university, Irbid - Jordan
E Pharmacy.fac@yu.edu.jo
P 027211111 (2760)
F 3965 / 7211165
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The President of Yarmouk University, Prof. Zeidan Kafafi met a delegation from IQVIA Office of Health Systems Services, which included the Director of the Office, Dr. Rania Bader, and the Public Health Specialist, Rana Mdanat. The two parties discussed possible cooperation in the field of scientific and clinical health studies, the providence of a database on medicines, and other areas of experience exchange.
At the beginning of the meeting, Kafafi confirmed Yarmouk's keenness to develop and modernize the educational process in the various faculties of the university, especially the faculties of medicine and pharmacy, and to build bridges of cooperation with various medical and health institutions in the world, pointing out that such a strategy results in exchanging experiences and keeping pace with developments in the medical sector in the world. He also emphasized the use of the latest educational methods that contribute to the preparation and rehabilitation of the faculties' students and make of them skilled physicians who can perform their mission of providing sound medical and diagnostic services for patients. He explained that this program exposes students to job opportunities at the local, regional, and international level on the one hand, and advances the medical sector in Jordan on the other.
In addition, Kafafi expressed the university's readiness to cooperate with the company of Equity Health Services in the field of clinical studies and referred to the possibility of benefiting from the databases and health technology systems provided by the company, considering Equity as one of the leading companies in such a field at the international level. Moreover, he stressed the possibility of cooperating to preparing a feasibility study for the educational hospital that Yarmouk University plans to establish in order to provide medical services for the inhabitants of Irbid Governorate and to train students of the faculties of medicine and pharmacy.
In return, Bader illustrated the services provided by the company in the field of linking technological health information with clinical studies, providing information for the technological systems of the health sector, and conducting research projects and clinical studies in various medical fields. Bader pointed out the company's keenness to extend bridges of cooperation with Yarmouk University and the possibility of composing a cooperation agreement in the areas of common interest. She explained that the company can benefit from the expertise of the faculties of medicine and pharmacy, which may contribute to the advancement of the scientific medical research in Jordan.
The President of Yarmouk University, Prof. Zeidan Kafafi met with a delegation from the University of Arkansas of the United States, headed by Dr. Douglas Rhodes, Director of the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology at the University. The meeting was held to discuss ways of enhancing cooperation between the two sides in the field of exchanging students and faculty members and conducting scientific research of common interest.
Yarmouk’s intentions to enhance scientific and academic cooperation with various international universities were highlighted, and Prof. Kafafi expressed Yarmouk's willingness to attract several faculty members from American universities to teach in the various academic departments at the university. He explained that such cooperation contributes to enriching the teaching process and provides an opportunity to exchange knowledge among faculty members, which reflects positively on the University's students and academic status. Also, Kafafi confirmed that Yarmouk University is eager to receive American students wishing to learn Arabic at the University's Language Center through its unique program for language teaching. Moreover, Kafafi declared that the university administration has a sincere belief in the importance of exchanging scientific visits for students, as this process provides them with the opportunity to communicate with other people and consequently enrich their personalities, expand their perceptions, and trigger their creativity.
Representing the University of Arkansas, Rhodes explained how excited the university staff is for the upcoming collaboration happening with Yarmouk University. Rhodes stated that the cooperation agreement with Yarmouk to conduct scientific research of mutual interest will incorporate the exchange of students and faculty members. The opportunities offered here are for students to join one of the master programs at the University of Arkansas especially in the fields of pharmacy as well as medical, and basic sciences.
Yarmouk Faculty of Education organized a conference entitled “Education and Sustainability Development: Entrepreneurship and Innovation” under the sponsorship of the University president, Professor Islam Massad. At the beginning of the conference, which lasted for two days, Massad welcomed the audience to the event explaining that such a serious gathering aims at integrating university education and scientific developments to enhance students’ aspiration and achieve sustainability. Massad stated that the conference focuses on important issues related to education, sustainability, and innovation concerning the skills and psychological health required for promoting education, among many other issues. He further focused on the importance of education as a tool for development referring to COVID-19 crisis that affected education worldwide. He also called for integrating both education and sustainability and for providing an interactive environment, which requires a shift from education to learning. Finally, Massad thanked all participants and organizers of the conference calling for a positive participation and applicable recommendations.
The dean of the Faculty of Education, Dr. Nawwaf Shatnawi, welcomed the audience to the conference which aims at discussing how to develop education and achieve sustainable development. He called for transforming the challenges into opportunities of innovation, referring to the fact that students no longer need certificates alone, but skills, entrepreneurship, and leadership. He finally thanked the presidency for supporting the event and acknowledged the efforts of the staff of the Faculty of Education as well as other local and global agencies to organize such event.
Dr. Asma Husein from Princess Nora University at Saudi Arabia presented a speech on behalf of the participants, thanking Yarmouk University and the Faculty of Education for their support of the conference and interest in such issues. However, the opening session of the conference included the president’s honoring of retired members of the faculty staff as well as local and global agencies who supported the faculty of education and the university.
A Yarmouk university, Irbid - Jordan
E Pharmacy.fac@yu.edu.jo
P 027211111 (2760)
F 3965 / 7211165