Faculty Strategy

Faculty Strategy


The faculty aims to accomplish a distinguished pharmaceutical education coping with modern developments in the profession, both locally and regionally, toward a qualified pharmacist in various areas of pharmacy practice, which reflect comprehensive quality practice.


The mission of the faculty of pharmacy is to contribute to the comprehensiveness of the university in the education programs, and to achieve excellence in academic and applied pharmaceutical programs based on scientific research, that is anticipated to be a complementary to different modern aspects of the profession of pharmacy


  • Consolidate pharmacy ethics and values, which includes: mutual respect, justice and equal opportunity, and honesty and transparency.

  • The faculty provides the environment for its students for creativity innovation

  • Encourages team work amongst its students.

  • Commitments to respectful discussion supported with science and logic.

  • Consolidation of achievements and work ethos

  • Emphasize patriotism and intuitional conscious


  1. Graduating qualified and skillful pharmacists to satisfy local, regional and international markets in various areas of pharmacy practice

  2. Organize and encourage applicable research by activating the cooperation and coordination with the pharmaceutical sectors to fulfill the faculty mission commitment to the community.

  3. Providing opportunities of continuous education and personal development to enhance the faculty staff skills and their level of teaching.

  4. Maintain a competitive edge to the faculty graduate.

  5. Commitment to apply local, regional and international quality assurance protocols.




A Yarmouk university, Irbid - Jordan
E Pharmacy.fac@yu.edu.joP 027211111 (2760)
F 3965 / 7211165

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