Faculty mission and vision

Faculty mission and vision


Faculty Mission

Preparing competent and qualified pharmacists through providing them with a distinguished education, training, pharmaceutical care, pharmaceutical advice and scientific research aimed at serving the community and achieving sustainable development in the health sector.


Faculty Vision

To hold a distinguished position locally and regionally in the fields of pharmaceutical education, scientific research and community service.


Faculty Values

1. Creativity: The Faculty works to support pioneering ideas that serve scientific research and academic programs in the Faculty.


2. Excellence: The Faculty seeks to apply the highest quality standards in academic programs and scientific research.


3. Continuous improvement and development: The Faculty believes in the principles of continuous learning and self-development.


4. Teamwork: The Faculty consolidates a culture of teamwork in both principle and action in a collaborative effort between all members of the Faculty of Pharmacy, including academics, administrators, technicians, and students.


5. Commitment: The Faculty is committed to community service and academic work ethics.


Faculty goals

1. Preparing qualified graduates capable of developing the pharmacy profession, scientific research and community service.


2. Strengthening partnerships with the private sector and academic institutions in the field of scientific research, training, sustainable development and community service.


3. Providing a supportive environment for raising the competencies and enhancing the expertise of the academic, administrative and technical staff.


4. Applying local, regional and international quality standards in academic programs and scientific research.


5. Maintaining and strengthening our bonds with the Faculty graduates and supporting their needs as much as possible.


6. Creating a stimulating environment for students to help them develop their leadership, innovation, continuous learning, and critical thinking skills as well as supporting them through the provision of extracurricular activities


A Yarmouk university, Irbid - Jordan
E Pharmacy.fac@yu.edu.joP 027211111 (2760)
F 3965 / 7211165

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