Goal | Institution/Company | Date | MoU |
The establishment of a virtual pharmacy, offering practice sites for the students/ | Pharmacy one group | 28/11/2018 | MoU between Yarmouk University and Pharmacy one group |
Sponsoring three didactic halls with a total cost of (9420) JDs | Hikma | 5/6/2019 | Sponsor and support MoU with Hikma Pharmaceuticals |
Networking and connecting scientific research with industry | Jordan Academia-Industry Platform | 13/7/2020 | MoU between Yarmouk University and Jordan Academia Industry Platform |
Cooperation in scientific research and student training | Dar Al Dawa Development & Investment Co | 3/1/2020 | MoU between Yarmouk University and Dar Al Dawa Development & Investment Co |
Lexicomp Database access and use for the pharmacy students | UP TO DATE | 3/4/2021 | MoU between Yarmouk University and UP TO DATE |
Providing an online interactive educational platform for the pharmacy students | LMS company | 16/2/2021 | MoU between Yarmouk University and LMS company |
Expertise exchange and offering practice sites to the pharmacy students | Jordan Food and Drug Administration | 24/6/2021 | MoU between Yarmouk University and the Jordanian FDA |
Student and faculty exchange | Creighton University-USA | 13/9/2021 | MoU with Creighton University-USA |
Health Awareness | Hikma pharmaceuticals | 29/7/2021 | MoU with hikma pharmaceuticals |
Offering Practice sites for students | Ministry of Health | 10/4/2022 | MoU with the Ministry of Health |
Offering Practice sites to the pharmacy students | Royal Medical Services | In process | MoU with the Royal Medical Services (in process) |

A Yarmouk university, Irbid - Jordan
E Pharmacy.fac@yu.edu.jo
P 027211111 (2760)
F 3965 / 7211165