Faculty News

A New Master Program at The Faculty of Pharmacy
“Yarmouk University and Al-Razi Pharmacy Group Sign a Cooperation Agreement to Provide Training Opportunities for Students and to Renovate the Simulated Pharmacy”
The Faculty of Pharmacy is Renovates the Seminar Hall with a Support from the Jordanian Pharmacists Association
Pharmacy Practice Lab Opening
"Yarmouk" and "Lebanese American" Universities Sign a Memorandum of Understanding to Enhance Scientific and Research Cooperation in The College of Pharmacy
The 29th Student Union Elections at Yarmouk University
Signing a Memorandum of Understanding for Training Services Between "Al-Yarmouk" and The Jordan Pharmacists Syndicate
Massad Opens The Scientific Day of The Faculty of Pharmacy Under the Title "Scientific Bridges Between Medical Professions"
An Educational Awareness Activity Organized By The Pharmacy Training Committee Regarding The Use And Regulation Of Medications During The Blessed Month Of Ramadan

A Yarmouk university, Irbid - Jordan
E Pharmacy.fac@yu.edu.joP 027211111 (2760)
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