Faculty News

How to Market Yourself in The Job Market?

The Faculty of Pharmacy, in collaboration with the Pioneers Academy for Consultations and Training, organized a workshop titled "How to Market Yourself in the Job Market." The workshop was presented by Mr. Ayman Al-Laham, the Public Relations Director at the company, and Mr. Ahmed Saad, in coordination with the academy's ambassadors, the student Hala Mas'ad and the student Sondus Rababaih.

During the workshop, the necessary methods and skills for marketing oneself in the job market were presented by focusing on strengths and developing weaknesses to present oneself to others and promote a particular idea or product. The workshop also explained how to create a personal website and generate digital content away from social media platforms. Additionally, the participants were introduced to the academy's free training programs and distributed QR codes for utilization. A wide discussion took place with the students on how to apply the necessary skills to market graduates in the job market.


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E Pharmacy.fac@yu.edu.joP 027211111 (2760)
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