Faculty News

The Palestinian dentist and influencer Dr. Qasim Younis visit to the Faculty of Pharmacy at Yarmouk University

As a part of his tour at Yarmouk University, which was organized in cooperation with the Tourism Promotion Authority at the Ministry of Tourism and included medical colleges and various facilities at Yarmouk University, Dr. Qasim Younis, a Palestinian dentist and influencer, visited the College of Pharmacy with the aim of encouraging educational tourism and to attract Palestinian students to study in the pharmacy program.

A brief presentation of the college’s history, achievements, programs, and teaching plans were proposed by the Dean of the College, Prof. Dr. Fadia Mayas and faculty members. Also means of cooperation and the possibility of attracting students to the international program at the College of Pharmacy at Yarmouk University were discussed. The visit included an introductory tour of the college’s facilities, including teaching and research halls and laboratories, smart halls, in addition to the simulated pharmacy.

At the end of the meeting Dr. Qasim Younis expressed his great admiration for the college building, its program, plans, and achievements.


It is worth noting that the vision of Yarmouk University and its strategic plan aims to attract the largest possible number of students from various countries to be enrolled in different programs as the university decided to treat new international program students the same as Jordanian students in the parallel program for accepted students, starting from the first semester of this academic year.



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