Faculty News

Notable success for Yarmouk University's faculty of Pharmacy

Notable success for Yarmouk University's faculty of Pharmacy

Yarmouk University - faculty of Pharmacy got accreditation from the American Council for Pharmacy Education, often known as ACPE. This certificate is regarded as one of the most prestigious and trustworthy in the world. It was granted by the American Accreditation Council after the College of Pharmacy met the international requirements and standards necessary to obtain this accreditation through an organized effort represented in providing educational systems within the faculty of Pharmacy in terms of programs and study plans, as well as equipment, laboratories, and scientific competencies.

The ACPE international accreditation certificate is part of the faculty of Pharmacy's framework and integrated strategy to raise the college's level and catch up its peers in international universities. It is important to note that the college's first-ever accreditation certificate would raise and improve its categorization and aid in the development of staff abilities by requiring adherence to the highest standards.


A Yarmouk university, Irbid - Jordan
E Pharmacy.fac@yu.edu.joP 027211111 (2760)
F 3965 / 7211165

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